My Story

Posted by Jen Piano on

4 years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. As an active mother of 3 this was a devastating blow. Shortly after My best friend bought me a shirt that said Made Strong. Those words gave my diagnosis of MS a new meaning. I decided that instead of letting MS define me I was going to define it! I had pretty serious relapse a short while after which was followed by several long hospital stays. I wore my Made Strong shirt through it all and became a warrior. I connected with the previous owner and creator of Made Strong and told him of my passion and drive to make this company mean to other people what it has meant to me. Not just people living with MS but to anyone who is battling in life.I purchased Made Strong and my hopes for the future are to inspire people and let them know that they too are Made Strong too!

1 comment

  • Jen,

    sent an email yesterday and would love to talk if you have 5 minutes. 609-658-0630

    here is the note i left yesterday.

    Hi there,

    I have an odd request and hope you will be excited as we are. I am a freelance photographer who was commissioned to photograph a patient for the company I work for, Bristol Myers Squibb. Her name is Jasmine and she has MS and loves to wear your clothing line “all the time”, she is very proud of where she is in her journey with the disease. I photographed her wearing one of your shirts and wanted to make sure you are ok with us using it in our annual report and in communications for the company both internal or external.

    So I wanted to reach out to your company and make sure you are ok with us using these, please respond.

    We are preparing the files now for printing but wanted to check, please call me if you have any questions-609-658-0630

    Robert Bruschini on

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